
What did we poor humans do before the advent of Mark Zuckerberg’s collegiate brainstorm? Let’s see, we smiled when we “liked” something, we dialed the phone to “update” friends and “tagging” was a kids’ game.

The upside of those innocent pre-social media times: intimacy. The downside: intimacy. If you wanted to reach a huge group, it meant sending an e-mail with a cc list that looked like the phone " ,

Then came teenage Zuck and his shrewdly rolled-out vision for a new kind of digital club where you played bouncer, all with a Machiavellian backstory that eventually merited its own Oscar;''


대전 서구 둔산중로 54 (둔산동, 센티온빌딩) 3121222

We have been fully involved in picture our stage shows; it's important to us to do something really unique and almost off-the-wall to bring the emotion and the visuals together. We love creative art and actually went to school for visual media, so it isn't so much 'pressure' for us; it's a way to be creative, and We really enjoy it. We've carried that over into the visual development as we',",''
  • 업력 15년차


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